The use of generative AI (GAI) is permitted in this course for all assignments and assessments with no penalty. However, students should note that all large language models (basis of GAI) still have a large tendency to make up incorrect facts or fake citations, produce inaccurate outputs, or generate highly offensive products. You will be responsible for any inaccurate, biased, offensive, or otherwise unethical content you submit regardless of whether it originally comes from you or a GAI platform.
Any use of such tools must be appropriately acknowledged and cited. Use of GAI without acknowledgement will result in a penalty. The disclosure of use of GAI for spelling and grammar checkers is not necessary, but all other uses of GAI require proper acknowledgment and citations.
APA Citation Example:
OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model].
The use of GAI platforms without disclosure will be considered plagiarism and/or cheating and will be reported to the Dean of Students and handled according to university policies. Sanctions for academic misconduct in this course may include a failing grade on the assignment, a reduction in your final course grade, or a failing grade in the course, among other possibilities. If you have any questions about the acceptable use of GAI tools, please consult with the instructor before submitting your work.
With the understanding of the limitations and necessary acknowledgments, we encourage the use of GAI as a means for you to submit higher quality assignments in less time. Learning how to use Gen AI is an emerging skill, and it would be to your advantage to learn how to use it well. GAI can be a valuable tool for augmenting human decision, but it is not a replacement for critical thinking.
In this course, you are expected to do your own work and properly cite any sources you use. The use of generative AI (GAI) tools, such as chatbots, text generators, paraphrasers, summarizers, or solvers, is strictly prohibited for any part of your assignments. Students must complete all work independently and without GAI-generated content. The use of GAI platforms will be considered plagiarism and/or cheating and will be reported to the Dean of Students and handled according to university policies. Sanctions for academic misconduct in this course may include a failing grade on the assignment, a reduction in your final course grade, or a failing grade in the course, among other possibilities. If you have any questions about the acceptable use of GAI tools, please consult with the instructor before submitting your work.