Faculty development badges are micro-credentials that serve as digital proof, authenticated by an expert, that an individual has demonstrated a particular skill, competency, or accomplishment. Digital badges contain detailed information about the badge provider, as well as the date and criteria required to earn the badge. Unlike traditional transcripts, which only reflect for-credit courses and academic programs, micro-credentials can be awarded for a wide variety of learning experiences.
Why earn a badge?
Use badges as you would other credentials, to enhance your resume and professional profile. Include badges that align with your expertise in your dossier to, “[demonstrate] a commitment to continued professional growth and currency with pedagogical developments in their fields” (OVPFAA’s “Guideline for Promotion Reviews”: https://vpfaa.indiana.edu/doc/NTT%20Promotion%20Guidelines_6.1.21.pdf).
Badges not only enhance your professional portfolio but also makes it easier for evaluators to recognize and assess your accomplishments. Faculty development badges have descriptions and evidence of the learning outcomes, offering a transparent and comprehensive view of your expertise and contributions.
Digital badges demonstrate new and innovative teaching practices, fostering a culture of lifelong learning and collaboration among faculty. By earning these badges, you advance your own skills and contribute to the overall quality of education at IU. Badges provide a way to showcase your commitment to continuous learning and teaching excellence, both within your institution and to a broader academic community.
Sharing your digital badges on social media platforms like LinkedIn highlights your dedication to continuous learning and professional growth. By tagging relevant institutions, colleagues, and professional organizations, you can extend the reach and impact of your achievements. This not only enhances your academic presence but also inspires your peers to explore similar development opportunities.